The best free ATM processing in the US from ATM Houston is your best choice


Free ATM processing through ATM Houston, sponsored by PATHWARD Bank and processing through Digital Network Solutions provides the best ATM processing in Houston and throughout the entire USA.  From small to large merchants to small or large IAD's, we have a plan that will fit your business.  For totally free ATM processing* you get free receipt paper, free software updates, free service calls in the Houston area and more.  If you don't care about the free items and want the interchange, there are other plans.  With the customer getting the interchange, you will get a buy rate based on transaction volume.  With this plan you lose all the free items.  You will pay for everything like receipt paper, service calls, etc.  What we want to do is to offer a plan that will fit with your business, not one that you get put into.  Below you will find what you get without getting the interchange.  With the interchange option, you will receive a buy rate comunsurate with you volume.  Call or email through our contact form today for an analysis of your business to find out what you have been missing.

*With our processing done through us you will not receive:

  1. Transaction fee
  2. Statement fee
  3. Monthly fee
  4. Network access fee
  5. Support fee

*What you will receive while processing through us:

  1. Free receipt paper
  2. Free software updates
  3. 24/7 online reporting
  4. Phone Ap for ATM monitoring
  5. Free support
  6. Free services calls in Houston metro area.  Only pay for parts


ATM Houston is offerring a free reprogram to all merchants and independent IAD's to move your ATM's over to ATM Houston ISO.  For IAD's with a significant portfolio, we will give you 100% of the interchange with a great buy rate for ATM processing.  ATM Houston has been in the ATM business for over 16 years.  This business was started with just one ATM so we know how to build and grow a portfolio and can help you do the same.  The philosophy of ATM Houston is simple:  Provide the best service at at a fair price!  We support all Genmega, Hyosung, Hantle ATM's.  We do not support Puloon ATM's.  Triton parts are too expensive and we still can't figure out how Puloon is still selling ATM's in 2023 in the USA.

Don't forget to look at for all of your parts, supplies and accessories needs.